
Study progression and graduation rates of baccalaureat students of the Canton of Aargau



Study progression and graduation rates of baccalaureat students of the Canton of Aargau

How is the study progression of the baccalaureat students of the Canton of Aargau and what influence do individual characteristics have on the admission, the progression and the graduation rate of the studies? The present report, which was conducted by the SCCRE on behalf of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport (BKS) of the Canton of Aargau, provides a situation analysis with regard to the admission, changes of subject and graduation rate of studies. Differences between the Canton of Aargau and the rest of Switzerland are discussed.

Diem, Andrea (2019). Analyse von Studienverläufen und -erfolgsquoten im Kanton Aargau mit BFS-Daten. Kantonsbericht 2019. Aarau: Schweizerische Koordinationsstelle für Bildungsforschung
