
Two new research studies



Together with co-authors, the director of the SKBF has published two research studies that look at the influence of unexpected events on career choice. The first study shows that winning medals at Worldskills competitions increases interest in the honoured professions and has a significant influence on the apprenticeship contracts subsequently signed in that profession. The second study shows how the introduction of ChatGPT suddenly changed young people's interest in occupations. Occupations with high demands on language skills and those with generally high demands on cognitive competences were suddenly no longer as popular compared to more manual occupations and those with high demands in maths and science.

1st study: IZA DP No. 16607: Reaching for Gold! The Impact of a Positive Reputation Shock on Career Choice
2nd study: IZA DP No. 16638: "This Time It's Different" - Generative Artificial Intelligence and Occupational Choice
