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SKBF-CSRE Bildungsbericht 2014 FR

299 L’éducation en Suisse | rapport 2014 Bibliographie    Berinsky, A. J., et Lenz, G. S. (2011). Education and political participation: exploring the causal link. Political Behavior, (3), 357–373. Bessey, D., et Backes-Gellner, U. (2009). Marijua­ na consumption, educational outcomes and labor market success: evidence from Switzer­ land (Economics of Education Working Paper Series, no 0043). Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute for Strategy and Business Economics. Betts, J. R. (2011). The economics of tracking in education. Dans: E. A. Hanushek, S. J. Ma­ chin, et L. Wössmann (éd.), Handbook of the Economics of Education (vol. 3, pp. 341–381). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Bharadwaj, P., Vellesen Løken, K., et Neilson, C. (2012). Early life health interventions and academic achievement (IZA Discussion Paper Series, no 6864). Bonn: IZA. Biedermann, H., Oser, F., Konstantinidou, L., et Widorski, D. (2010). 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